High Wind Pressure Resistant Rolling Shutters

Over the last few years the increased devastation due to storms has risen greatly, causing the need for specific wind load resistant rolling shutters. Catastrophic building damage occurs when substandard rolling shutters fail to resist the impact of storm. This proves that all rolling shutters are not equal when it comes to withstanding high wind pressure. However, making sure rolling shutter construction truly meets a building's wind load needs can be a challenge to architects and building owners. Viewguard is ready to help make sense of these confusing criteria and provide the right product to meet wind load requirements of your project. Viewguard has wide range of product designed to meet your rolling shutter requirement.

When it comes to the safety and security of your building, especially in extreme conditions, you can trust Viewguard rolling shutter expertise and many years of experience. Viewguard Rolling High Wind Pressure Resistant Rolling Shutters are designed to automatically secure the door inside the guides to prevent door blowout. With heavier specially shaped side guides, anti storm anchors, fasteners and parts our rolling shutters also are engineered to transfer wind loads to the building installed to withstand extreme wind conditions. Rolling High Wind Pressure Resistant Rolling Shutters are designed to automatically secure the door inside These rolling shutters are fabricated after considering geographical conditions and using right combination of profile 120mm high – 25mm deep, specially designed side guide and anti-storm hooks provides high resistance against wind pressure. These rolling shutters have wind resistant up to class 4 of EN 12424. Rolling shutters having wind resistant greater than class 4 are also manufactured.

  • Wind Resistance up to class 4 of EN 12424
  • 120mm high-25 mm deep profile for robust curtain fabrication
  • Anti Storm Anchors & Wind Locks
  • Side Guide up to 5mm thickness designed to incorporate wind locks